
Hello, and welcome! I’ve been away from this blog and my usual routine the past few months while establishing new routines. This has resulted in me reflecting on all aspects of my life and how I envision it moving forward. Although I am still interested in tarot and oracle cards, I don’t know if I want to continue doing readings on a regular basis, so I’ve decided to leave it in that limbo until I do know. I would like to start writing more essays about topics of interest to me, such as minimalism, personal finance, and frugality, but the fact of the matter is I haven’t been doing it, so until I do I have nothing to post in that regard.

Today I was sorting through papers, and I came across something I channeled this past fall. As I read it I realized how appropriate its message is to us collectively as a world, and even more specifically to those of us in the US, so I’d like to share it with you.

Trust God. God is in control of all situations, even those that appear grim or undecided or difficult. God oversees it all and orchestrates everything for our highest good. We may not see it for ourselves in the outer world, but it is there, awaiting the right time to reveal itself. What do we do during times of limbo or distress? How do we navigate the uncertainty? We listen for God and do what is right in front of us to do. Whatever presents itself that is ours to do is our focus for that time. And then we do the next thing, and the next. Take time to be quiet and still and listen for direction. Be our best selves and work towards living a good life that helps others and is healthy for ourselves.

Love yourself and others. Be patient and kind. Engage in healthy, life-affirming activities. Be aware of yourself on all levels and act in a constructive way.

I know some of that advice is a lot to ask of ourselves, especially when we are upset or stressed out, but perhaps it will bring you some peace and comfort during times of transition and uncertainty.

I do hope I will be posting again sooner than last time. If I feel I have something to share that will certainly motivate me, as coming across this channeled message motivated me to post today. May you and your loved ones be happy, healthy, and safe. Until next time, love and blessings!


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