October 2020 Tarot Reading


Hello friends, and welcome to the October 2020 tarot reading! I hope this finds you safe, happy, and well. It’s been quite a year for us collectively, full of changes to the status quo in nearly all aspects of our lives. Joining our spirits and positive energies together, even if remotely, will help us all move forward in significant and loving ways. This month I’m using the Angel Tarot Cards again and have pulled three cards to see what energies we may be dealing with during October.

The first card is the Three of Air. You may be feeling sad, taking time to heal, or working on forgiveness of self or towards others. Not to sound trite, but the expression, “time heals all wounds” is true as long as we take the steps necessary to process what we’re feeling, identify negative thinking, and then let it go. At the beginning of the month, take time to pause if needed, and reflect upon anything you may need to release to allow yourself to move forward.

The second card is The Magician! This is wonderful manifestation energy, and it’s a great time to envision your ideal reality and take steps towards what you want.  By letting go of what doesn’t fit into your vision of an ideal life and embracing what does, you will show the Universe you’re serious about wanting your dream to come true. When we co-create with Spirit, the sky’s the limit, and you’ll begin to see the magic that surrounds us all, at all times.

The third and final card is the Queen of Fire. What are you passionate about? Spend more time doing that. Creative projects are a great way to inspire yourself and others. This card ties in with The Magician - we feel positive energy when we’re doing things we enjoy, and hopefully your vision of a great life includes feeling joyful about what you do and how you live your life. Focus on activities that make you feel good, not in a hedonistic or instant gratification way, but in a truly fulfilling way when at the end of each day you feel you did your best and are satisfied and pleased with what you’ve done.

To summarize, the month of October asks us to process, heal, and release anything that is keeping us from our greatest good. Take some time to do this, be gentle with yourself, and don’t rush. Once you’ve done this work, it’s time to decide how you’d like your everyday life to be, and take steps towards creating that reality. Spirit is by your side to help guide you and present you opportunities to get you from your starting point to where you want to be. To help you determine what you want, think about which activities, people, or places bring you happiness and contentment, and use those as the foundation for building your best life. When all parts of your life are working together holistically, each day becomes more peaceful and energy flows effortlessly.

Thank you for visiting! Please note I’ve updated my services offered. Oracle readings are now donation-based, so you pay what you feel is appropriate or what you can afford. I’ve also lowered my rates for clutter clearing, and I’m only providing this service virtually due to the pandemic as well as to better fit my schedule. If you know anyone that may benefit from these services, please feel free to share my website with them. I wish you a lovely autumn season, and may you find your way towards an inspiring and fulfilled life whilst enjoying the journey. Take care.


  1. How timely is this reading! As Summer is quickly wrapping up it's a perfect time to look at where we are in this new normal and prepare to settle into ourselves and our homes for the upcoming seasons. Thank you!

  2. Thank you! I'm glad the reading resonated with you. Enjoy this time of reassessment and following joy :)


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