July 2020 Tarot Reading

Hello, and welcome to the July tarot reading! As I do each month, I pull a few tarot cards to get a glimpse of what energies we may encounter during the upcoming month. For July the cards that came out are the Two of Wands, The Hanged Man, and the Two of Pentacles.

Wands generally symbolize passion and energy, but on the Two of Wands it is a very thoughtful and calm energy being exuded. You may be pondering a decision to be made, surveying your options, or contemplating what could be or what’s on its way. Take your time and consider all possibilities. The right option or direction will make itself clear to you.

The Hanged Man asks us to look at things from a different perspective and be flexible. This may or may not be uncomfortable for you, depending on the situation and your natural inclinations. Getting out of your comfort zone and considering ways of doing things that may not have been previously on your radar will open up more opportunities for you, and you just may enjoy your life more as well! During this time of research and reflection you may also receive an epiphany that will help lead you in a direction you hadn’t imagined.

The Two of Pentacles tells us that some of us may be juggling finances at this time, and much will be happening simultaneously. Be prepared for fast-paced change and decisions or choices to be made. Remain alert and well rested so you can keep up with all that is going on. This isn’t an omen of negative things, just a busy period of time to be navigated, and the more energy you have to handle it the better.

To summarize, July is going to be an active month full of choices and decisions to be made. Looking at life from alternate perspectives will help you see options that may not have been apparent to you prior, and this will help you make better choices that will benefit your life. Remain calm, consider all the possibilities (even the “crazy” ones), and eventually the best one will stand out to you. Maintain a balance between all the high activity with time for self care and nurturing. The better you take care of yourself, the easier life will flow for you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit, and I wish you a wonderful first full month of summertime! Take care :)
