White Light and Violet Flame Invocations

Photo Courtesy of Anthony Ciccarino

During the past week or so I’ve been inspired by Spirit to write some verses to be used as simple, easy to remember phrases to promote positivity and healing and to cleanse any unneeded energy. Whether you’d like to call them mantras, prayers, chants, spells, or incantations does not matter; these can be used with any spiritual practice to assist you in feeling calmer, healthier, and lighter. As you recite these, aloud or in your mind, envision a white light or violet flame (as it pertains) permanating your body and aura as it rids you of anything of disservice to you and fills you with its healing and loving vibration.

The first verse calls upon White Light. Archangel Gabriel oversees the White Light, and for me it also connects us directly with God:

White Light, White Light
Radiating ever bright
Illuminate all space and time
With purity and love divine

Coincidentally, as I was composing some verses to call upon Saint Germain’s Violet Flame, I received an email from a friend announcing that May 1 is Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. How appropriate! Here are two verses invoking the Violet Flame/Fire. They can be said separately or together:

Violet Fire, Violet Fire
Burn away all false desire
Transmute it for my highest good
And free me that Your Will I would

Violet Flame, Violet Flame
Burn away my sorrow and pain
Allow me to release with ease
And bring me to a place of peace

These are simple and easy phrases to help move you out of unpleasant states and remind you that you are one with Spirit at all times. Recite them as often as needed. A daily practice, much like meditation, will reward you with many benefits such as a sense of peace and calm, improved overall health, and freedom from mental, emotional, and societal bondage. If you’re interested in learning more about using White Light or the Violet Flame, feel free to contact me, or do an internet search and you will find many sources of information. Peace, Light and Love to you!


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