April 2020 Tarot Reading

A couple weeks ago as I was preparing my morning cup of tea, a white feather fell from the kitchen ceiling as I was getting a teabag from the cupboard. I don’t own any down products or anything that might contain feathers, so it caught my attention. The following morning as I was sitting at the dining table I found another white feather on the table beside my tea cup. I’ve heard stories of this happening to others, but it’s the first time I’ve personally experienced it. It was a very comforting reminder that our angels are watching over us and we are being guided and taken care of, especially during uncertain times. Since then I’ve continued to find more feathers, either falling from the ceiling near my face or sitting near me, waiting for me to find them. Although you may not find feathers like I have, keep your eyes and ears open for signs of hope, because they are there.

A lot has changed in the past month, and rapid change can be very uncomfortable and disconcerting. I decided to use the Angel Tarot Cards for April since I figured we could all use a gentler message while we navigate these uncertain times. The cards I pulled are the Eight of Water, the Five of Water, and Balance.

The first card, the Eight of Water, represents a desire for emotional growth. You may be lacking meaning in your life and want something more going forward. You’re likely feeling frustrated and anxious and feel a strong urge to escape your current circumstances. Be patient with yourself and don’t make any rash decisions based solely on your emotions. Give yourself time to process and reflect on what you’re feeling so you can make choices that will truly benefit you. On the card there is light streaming down into the water, showing us that brighter days are ahead.

The Five of Water is another card of emotions. Something has been disappointing, which easily could be on a large scale such as the pandemic we are experiencing, or it may be something more personal to you. As depicted on the card, although three cups have been lost, two cups still remain. This card reminds us that although we have experienced loss, we haven’t lost everything. Remember all the positives that remain in your life as you make your way through this transition.

The third card is Balance. Ensure that all parts of your life are in balance and that you are doing things in moderation. As many of us are currently under quarantine, use this time to review all aspects of your life and see what might need some adjustment. You may be spending too much or too little time on certain activities, or perhaps your health and personal care routine could use some improvement. This time calls for cooperation with others and working towards solutions that create a win-win for all involved. It is also a reminder that all things happen in perfect timing and to trust that life will evolve and play out how it’s meant to be. Call on Archangel Zadkiel if you need help finding balance in your life.

To summarize, during April we will be experiencing strong emotions, some of them frustrating and unpleasant. The key is to not get carried away and base choices solely upon how we feel. Take time to consider your feelings and how they relate to other aspects of your life, such as the mental, physical, and spiritual components, so you can move forward in positive and healthy ways. Balancing all parts of you as a person and how you relate to others and the material world will put you in the best place to handle challenging situations and make long-lasting changes in your life.

I hope this reading finds you and yours healthy, safe, and well. Take care :)
