January 2020 Tarot Reading

Happy New Year and welcome 2020! I hope your year is starting off with happiness and peace. This will be a year of clarity, of purpose, of following our personal truth, and integrating integrity into all parts of our life. The more each of us strive towards these ideals, the more fulfilled each of us will be individually as well as collectively.

I pulled three cards to tell us about January and what energies we can expect. The first card, the Three of Cups, is about celebrations and rejoicing, which fits perfectly with how many of us ring in the new calendar year. In addition to parties and other happy gatherings, this card represents abundance, a healthy harvest, and positive emotions. What a great way to begin 2020!

About mid-month we have the Ten of Wands, which tells us there is something we may be struggling with or a burden that is weighing us down. Perhaps our new year’s resolutions aren’t going so well, or pre-holiday bills are coming due and are stressing us out. Whatever the issue, the good news is that ten is the number of completion, meaning this cycle of difficulty is almost over. Hang in there, and before long the struggle will be coming to an end.

We end the month with the Ace of Wands. Aces represent new beginnings, and the ace cards also show the hand of God reaching out and presenting us with a gift. The suit of wands is about passion, energy, and creativity, so we are about to be rejuvenated and excited about a new start in our life, and it may come from an unexpected, seemingly synchronistic place. If you’re ready for a happy, and perhaps unexpected, change, it’s on the way!

To summarize, this first month of the new decade will begin with celebrations and joyfulness. There is much excitement about the new year, and we are grateful for what we have and everything to come. At mid-month we may be feeling challenged and exhausted by an ongoing situation that never seems to end, yet this issue is very close to resolution. By month’s end we are presented with an exciting and possibly surprising new opportunity which will prove to be very beneficial to us, both in the short and long-term. Get ready!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find this reading helpful. Blessings to you, and have a great month!


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