December 2019 Tarot Reading

Hello, and welcome to the December tarot reading! Here in upstate New York we’ve already had a few snowfalls, though the snow has all melted away. We are expecting snow tomorrow, on Thanksgiving morning, just in time to kick off the holiday season. What do the holidays have in store for us? I pulled three cards to give us an idea: the Two of Pentacles, the Ace of Pentacles, and the Four of Wands. The energy is going to be down-to-earth, practical, as well as fun.

The Two of Pentacles tells us we may be juggling multiple priorities and trying to find balance amongst lots of activity, which is very common for most people during the December holidays. Decide ahead of time what items are musts, what are nice to haves, and what you can let go, then focus on the activities that you know you definitely want to include in your schedule. Remember to give yourself breathing space in between so you don’t succumb to feeling overwhelmed by non-stop activity. The Two of Pentacles can also mean you’ll have a choice to make. It won’t be a major decision, but it will be something that will affect your day-to-day life, so think through your options before choosing.

The Ace of Pentacles represents a new beginning in regards to home, finances, or habits - anything tangible to your daily life.  The card shows the hand of God reaching down to give you a gift, so an unseen opportunity may be presented to you that seems like synchronicity or divine timing, and it is. Happily embrace this unexpected present, as it will take you where you need to go and herald new and beneficial adventures.

We end the reading with a most appropriate card for the season, the Four of Wands. This card depicts celebrations, happy gatherings, and enjoying time with loved ones. On the card you can see the wands are decorated and the people are celebrating an event, which many of us will be doing as we celebrate secular and/or religious holidays in December. Enjoy this time of camaraderie, fellowship, and festivities as we appreciate the blessings and love in our lives.

To recap, December is looking to be a pretty typical holiday season laced with positive energy. There will be lots of activity and possibly a decision to make, but as long as you prioritize your time and don’t take on too much you’ll successfully navigate all your options. Be prepared for the unexpected with a pleasant surprise that will benefit your everyday life and usher in a new cycle of abundance. You will be spending time with loved ones, whether that’s family, friends, or both, as you celebrate the holidays or other special occasions. It will be a joyous time creating future memories together. 

Thanks for stopping by, and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! However you spend the holidays, may you be happy and grateful for all the goodness in your life. I wish you all the best!


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