General Tarot & Oracle Reading for November 2018

Hi, it’s Michelle, and welcome back. This is a general reading for everyone for November 2018.

The first card I pulled is the Four of Water. Things are emotionally stable for you, yet you’re feeling bored or dissatisfied with the status quo. You want something more, but you’re unsure how to get there. This is making you feel frustrated with your current situation, even though there’s nothing outwardly going wrong.

The second card I pulled is the Page of Earth. It’s a beautiful card, with all the typical fall colors on it, which is very appropriate for the season.  For some of you the focus is on school or scholarly endeavors, which is very common for this time of year. You may also be looking for a new challenge, which may be a continuation of the dissatisfaction you feel from the Four of Water. Or you may be working on mastering something new, which is a great use of your time and effort. This card also calls for patience - you will get to where you want to be, but it may take some time.

The third card is the Nine of Air. Your thoughts may be running to the negative or worst-case scenario, which is causing you to feel more tired than usual. Watch your thoughts at this time, and if you find yourself going down a thought path you don’t like, swap that thinking with something positive. This is a great time to write down some positive affirmations and have them handy to refer to if you need them. If you’ve been dealing with an ongoing stressful situation, know that it’s in its final stages of being played out. It may be something you have little to no control over, so do your best to accept what’s happening and make the best of the situation. Get a good night’s sleep but don’t oversleep as that will cause you to feel more tired than you already are. Good self-care is important at this time.

The last card is an oracle card called Keep Your Eyes on Your Targeted Intention. Focus your thoughts and actions, and don’t get sidetracked by negative thinking or distractions. This is a great summary of all the previous cards and links to the October reading if you happened to read it. In October the theme was becoming clear on what you want in your life. This card is asking you to remember what that clarity was, use it as your intention, and be patient. The central cards, this one and the Page of Earth, are very positive, so don’t let the other two cards put you off. They’re just giving you a heads-up that you may be feeling some emotional and psychological challenges this month, and don’t let that derail you from your goals. Overall this is a great month to make progress on your goals, even if it doesn’t seem like much is happening. Any incremental changes you make will add up.

Those are the messages for November. I hope you found something useful in this reading. Until next time, take care.
