February 2019 General Tarot Reading

Hi Everyone, welcome back. If this is your first time visiting, thank you and welcome! This is a general reading for February 2019. I pulled three tarot cards for the month: the Nine of Water, the Queen of Air, and the Nine of Air. It’s interesting, we have two nines on either side of the Queen of Air, and these nines each represent quite different things. The first nine can be seen as extremely positive while the second one is more of an exhausted energy. But they both show up together for a reason.

So first we’ll talk about the Nine of Water. This is a happy, positive energy. If you’ve been feeling stress over anything, you’ll see those concerns fade away. This is a time of joy, of happiness, of wishes being fulfilled. With the Nine of Air coming up as well, this is cautioning you to not get caught up in negative thoughts. You know when you start to think how something could go wrong, and that leads to another negative thought, and then another, and before you know it you’ve spent several minutes on this crazy train of thinking that serves no purpose other than to upset you. Sometimes when everything is going well you wonder when that bad thing is going to happen to ruin it all, because you know it can’t last forever. The Nine of Air is letting you know you may start to think along these lines because things will be going so well for you, but don’t do that. Yes, nothing is permanent and things are always changing, always in flux, but the negative thinking won’t help, it will only hinder you and make you unnecessarily miserable. Enjoy this time, enjoy the happy emotions you’re feeling, and that positivity will attract even more good things into your life.

So now back to the center card, the Queen of Air. This represents objective decision making and clearing away what no longer serves you. The card shows a very discerning, wise woman, who is focused and knows what she wants. This is an energy that cuts away anything that is cluttering up your world - physical, emotional, and especially mental. You will be very clear thinking this month and be able to dismiss and cast away anything that isn’t useful to you. If you use this time wisely you’ll make great strides towards your ideal life. Question everything - your possessions, how you spend your time, who you spend your time with - and only keep what serves you and brings you joy. This makes me think of Marie Kondo; some of you may be familiar with her and her popular book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Her guiding principle is if a thing isn’t useful or doesn’t bring you joy, you thank it and let it go from your life. This is an empowering energy, so make the most of it!

To sum everything up, the central focus this month will be a strong discerning and focused energy that will help you to make decisions quickly and easily based upon how you ideally would like to live your life. This will bring you great joy and happiness, and you may even already be feeling very happy, and that’s what helps lead you to realize what you truly want. Maintain that focus and don’t get sidetracked by negative thinking - it’ll only distract and exhaust you. You want your energy to remain positive and bright, as that will attract more of the same. And it feels so much better to be clear-headed than in a fog of uncertainty. Be that Queen of Air and go after what you want!

I hope you enjoyed this reading. If you’d like more information about me or a personalized reading, my information is in the tabs above. Thanks so much for visiting, and have a great month!
